Academic Ethos

"Our Motto: Quality Education For Everyone"

The Motherland School’s academic ethos focuses on encouraging the students to utilize their talents, and develop their intellectual and creative interests so that they remain interesting and interested young person for the rest of their professional and personal lives. The students need to understand their own culture and history, as well as their own geographical, scientific and spiritual theory and language. The school’s academic environment is constructed such that the students are able to develop their knowledge and interest in these areas in an international context and around the global world in which they are born and will live.

Students at The Motherland School are expected to be independent thinkers, develop first-class critical reading, writing and analysis skills, learn to understand the value of research across all areas of the curriculum and be self-motivated and self-driven through a genuine love of the subject and not only by intrinsic rewards. Students should be aware of other students’ weaknesses and strengths and be able to develop an understanding for them. Service and an understanding of each other’s cultural backgrounds and religions is a crucial aspect of academic and wider life at The Motherland School.

Assessments and Rewards

"Our Motto: Quality Education For Everyone"

The school conducts different levels of exams to evaluate the students’ performance and improvement. In the total, four examinations are given for schools and three examinations are given for +2 students. The unit tests are conducted as the requirements according to the subjects and units. In order to encourage and further motivate students, the school also provides different types of rewards based on the result of terminal examinations.

Student's View